How you react under pressure is a true indication of your character. In difficult times, don't worry - face the facts and find a way to help yourself. This advice applies to financial circumstances as well, if you cannot pay your bills and especially your mortgage you need to do something about it. All may seem lost, but it isn't. You can begin by contacting your lender and telling them your situation. Take a look at the sample loan modification letters on this website, they will help you find out what to write in order to explain your circumstances and convince your lender to help you.
It is a difficult task to write a hardship letter. You will feel like you have made mistakes and lost control of your life. But you have to let the lender know all the details so they will want to help you catch up on your loan. It is not a fun position to be in, but it only gets worse if it is ignored. The situation is not going away and if you begin to deal with it, you can reduce your stress.
Be honest, be personable and be concise. There is no need to make things sound worse than they are or embellish the truth. Make sure everything you write is true and tell the banker how you got to this point. For example if your business collapsed or someone in your family became ill, tell how this impacted you financially.
A well-written hardship letter will cause the lender to empathize with your situation, learn about your circumstances and give you advice about getting your finances in order, maybe by helping create another way for you to pay your loan. Take a look at the Loan Modification Financial Hardship Letters on our website, and contact us if you think we can help you.
These Loan Modification Financial Hardship Letters will assist you taking back control of your finances and planning your future during these difficult times. A personalized letter that lets your lender know the details of your circumstance will open the door to renegotiating your loan and giving you hope for the future.